Bye business logic, welcome Quality Assurance

Woah! Long time since last time I’ve written a blog post, may be worth to write down an update. What happened since my last post? I’ve lost a lot of time in failing ideas 😅 and many things changed in my personal life too.

About Composer commands

Recently I’m considering a not-so-common Composer feature: commands (scripts).

Casting: value objects, validation, trust levels & debugging

A practice I’m testing in these days is to cast PHP primitives right after parameters declaration.

Advanced Doctrine cache in Symfony 2

This post is essentially just a tip, but considering the great usage of the doctrine/cache library (now included in symfony/symfony-standard!) and the number features added by CEikermann/advcache, I think it could be really useful.

Some Symfony 2 practices

In this post I want share some personal development practices used working with the Symfony 2 framework.

Documentation is code

Finally I found a new argument, after months and months, and it’s the documentation.

Link Analysis Ranking

Some years ago I found myself making a small seminar for the course Algorithms and Data Structures II, having had very conceptual explain it in half an hour.

My front end development system

Service Injection in Doctrine DBAL Type

When you think of a Doctrine 2 DBAL Type you think of an atomic thing, but how can you work programmatically on this type without defining an event?

I'm not afraid of Symfony 2 performances

It’s impossible to write an absolute benchmark for a PHP framework:

How to write a crawler

Everybody knows the Googlebot, but how many of you know how it works?

PHP in a Tweet

Yesterday an ex colleague tweeted something that captured my attention: